Hands-on and Fun
iCook is a fun hands-on after-school cooking program for children at elementary and middle schools. We are teaching kids how to make and love recipes and dishes that are delicious and good for you one school at a time.
We teach culinary skills, recipe reading, nutritional value, and we cultivate an environment where diversity is celebrated through cultural food awareness.

Our recipes tend to be easy and colorful using mostly fresh ingredients. We also have fun names for our recipes, too, because we find “Super-Power Smoothie” or “Godzilla Veggie Bites” encourage students to try new foods. Children are inspired to share their cooking experiences when they return home. We provide the recipes, cooking tips and talking points to create recipe sharing and learning at home easier and more fun. And because we want every student to love the food, our focus is on “slightly healthier” balanced recipes, with treats here and there. That’s why we try to abide by the motto: “Everything in moderation, even moderation.”